Tuesday, 16 December 2014


It's 35 days until we leave.

With a month to go almost all our plans have been organised so that
 we are ready to leave after the Christmas and New Year rush.

Although it's really soon It still doesn't feel like this is actually
going to happen, every so often I suddenly get this wave of apprehension
because we are going to be leaving the country, our families and all our friends for 6 months. This normally results in a scared-excited feeling which 
causes me to be at war with myself, on one hand I want to explore the world, see the most incredible places and leave right that second, 
however, on the other, 
it terrifys me the thought of leaving my family (along with dad's cooking) 
and having to be totally independent for such a long time.

I believe you shouldn't live a life in 'what could of been' and although this is 
the scariest thing I have ever done, I couldn't be more excited.
Also, if I ever begin to doubt leaving home, my main comfort is that I'm travelling with 2 of the most incredible girls, who I adore endlessly. 

lots of love



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