So good news, I'm still alive, in my last post
when I said I was in a mojo bubble, it definitely got worse and I
got very lazy with keeping people up to date with my life
however, I am back now for a very belated blog post.
So here's a quick catch up from camp life, I used to work in Linen
however the last 3 weeks of camp I was moved to kitchen, being me
obviously I enjoyed kitchen because it meant I could eat whatever I wanted.
It also meant I had unlimited access to the huge fridge which
was great because I found a huge box of marshmallows
which i'd snack on almost every day. Last month me and some friends
went on a road trip to Dorrigo waterfalls which was so beautiful, we spent
the day swimming in the waterfall, taking a nap in the sun and eating ice cream,
it was actually one of the best days I've had so far.
Oh, here's some scary news, there was
a huge storm in Fiji a few weeks ago so it
meant the swirl was HUGE, it brought 12ft waves to
Arrawarra for the whole weekend,
but because of that everyone was banned from surfing. The rips were so strong
and the waves were ridiculous, it would have been dangerous to let us surf.
I was out Friday morning surfing,
(so this was when the waves were building up to a huge weekend of surf) and
during the time I was out there the waves were getting bigger and bigger which
made them harder and harder for me to catch and by the end it was just me
and Alastair out back and we were stuck there so our surf instructor had to
come save us because the size of the waves were just unreal and so powerful!
The last thing I feel like I should talk about is my singing in camp (mainly if I
was with all the Swedish) I spent so much of my time working and singing,
serving food and singing, walking around camp...and singing, it just became
part of my every day life and its shame it's not acceptable
any more to walk around and sing at the top of my voice.
My time in camp ended last week I'm currently in Surfers Paradise with
Rob and Sue (family friends),
I arrived Thursday last week which was the day I left camp.
Leaving camp was one of the hardest things, it was like
leaving behind a family you know you're never going to see again.
Everyone there becomes very close and I was so comfortable
spending my days surfing and walking around familiar surroundings
with familiar faces everywhere I looked. I miss it now,
I miss the people, I miss my bus (that's where I slept) and I miss
the surf, I took for granted waking up every morning and walking
30 seconds to get to a beach but I'm happy I left on a high.
Leaving a place wanting more is how it should be and now I have
so much more to look forward to, one part of my trip has ended which
just gives a chance for a new adventure to begin.
I hope when I travel Asia (specifically Bali) i'll be able to rent
boards and surf as much as I like because surfing
has definitely become something i'm so passionate about. I feel like this post
has become about me trying to reassure myself it's ok aha, it probably has,
ever since I left camp I thought about what if I went back? The thing
is, if I returned I wouldn't be going back to a camp
I left because it would be different people and so I need to appreciate
that I was lucky enough to have the best 2 months in a place i've fallen in love with,
that I met some of the most amazing people and finally that all
good things must come to an end.
My next step is to fly to Perth for a few weeks and then at the end of March Asia begins.
I'm excited for Asia but i'm more excited to see Erin and Megan, travelling
without your 2 best friends is harder than I thought and although I
wouldn't change it for the world what I've done so far I still can't wait
to see their beautiful faces again.
That's all I have for now, I'll leave you with some of my favourite photos
with some of my favourite people
from Spot X..
lots of love,
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